TTK Prestige plans Rs 25 crore capexOur Bureau / Bangalore May 23, 2006Bangalore based kitchen solutions provider,TTK Prestige, plans to invest Rs 75 crore towards scaling up capacity and brand building in India.The company is setting up a facility in Uttaranchal with a budget of Rs 15 crore. The unit will manufacture 8 lakh pressure cookers and kitchen appliances assembly. Uttaranchal is expected to give us excise and income tax benefits, T T Jagannathan, chairman of TTK Group, said."We are also planning a new manufacturing facility in Coimbatore at a budget of Rs 10 crore, besides enhancing current capcity at our old factory," Jagannathan added.In less than 36 months, the company has released over 150 products and 70 more products are in the pipeline. A Rs 50 crore media plan is being initiated as a brand building exercise.TTK Prestige has been on the fast track for three years in a row with over 30% growth year on year in domestic market. This has been achieved as the company has gone from being a pressure cooker and cookware company to diversified kitchen appliance company," Jagannathan said. The company plans to aggressively expand its retail initiative by adding 100 more stores in the coming 12 months, Chandru Kalro, executive VP (marketing), TTK Prestige, said.The new manufacturing facility at Uttaranchal is expected to give lead to the company in north Indian and east India markets through the new lead product