TVS Motor, the Rs 3,000 crore two-wheeler firm, seems to be back on the growth track after going through a lean patch last fiscal. The firm expects to post an 18 per cent topline growth this fiscal as against an almost flat performance last fiscal. |
A spokesperson for the company said in Bangalore on Tuesday that this will better the industry's growth rate of 12-13 per cent. |
"All our brands started to deliver this year and we are firing on all cylinders," the spokesperson added. |
The company, for FY05, posted a topline of Rs 2,876 crore as against a topline of Rs 2,820 crore for FY04. |
He added that the value-market segment has been a good driver for TVS Motor this year and this trend will continue. |
"TVS Star City, the entry-level product, and the Victor brands have been doing well. The mopeds as well as the scotterettes are also doing smartly," he added. |
TVS Motor will be looking at launching at least two products every year to be on the move. "It will reflect how differently we address a particular segment," he explained. |