TT electronics Plc today said it has secured a contract to supply speed sensors for Tata Motors Rs 1 lakh car, Nano, which is expected to be launched later this year.However, the financial details of the contract were not revealed.In a regulatory filing here, the firm said the sensors for the car would be manufactured by Padmini TT electronics, the joint venture between UK-based TT electronics and Padmini VNA Private, based in Gurgaon. The joint venture was formed in 2006."Although relatively modest in value terms, we regard this contract as a major breakthrough with Tata Motors and are very pleased to be part of the revolutionary 'Rs 1 lakh car' project, which is expected to bring affordable four-wheel transportation to millions of people across the globe," TT electronics CEO Neil Rodgers said."We are delighted with this news which further endorses our strategy of investment in India's thriving automotive industry," he added.Prototypes of the Tata Nano speed sensor have already been supplied and Padmini TT is now increasing output, in preparation for high-volume vehicle production scheduled for September 2008, the filing added.