Total income of the company rose four per cent to Rs 6,013 crore in the July-September quarter from Rs 5,770 crore during the same quarter of 2014-15, it added. In an investor presentation, the firm said it expected demand for cement to pick up in second half (October-March) of 2015-16.
UltraTech's shares fell 1.8 per cent to Rs 2,903.10 on BSE. The results were announced after market hours.
ALSO READ: UltraTech posts strong operational results
The combined cement and clinker sales were 11.5 million tonnes for the September quarter. While, white cement and wall care putty sales were 322,000 tonnes, the firm states. During the second quarter, domestic cement sales volume increased by five per cent compared with the same quarter last year, it added. While operating costs were lower as compared to previous year due to lower energy costs, benefit was partially offset due to District Mineral Foundation levy in terms of provisions of the Mines and Minerals (Development) Amendment Act, 2015, it said.
UltraTech said, its capex programme is on track. During the quarter, the firm commissioned a 1.6 MTPA grinding unit at Jhajjar (Haryana) and a 1.6 MTPA grinding unit at Dankuni (West Bengal).
"As a result, the cement capacity is enhanced to 64.7 MTPA in India. The company also commissioned a two MTPA bulk terminal on outskirts of Pune. With further commissioning of a 5 Mw Waste Heat Recovery System at Rawan (Chhattisgarh), power generation from waste heat recovery stands augmented to 53 Mw.
On outlook, UltraTech said: "With the governments' focus on infrastructure development, housing sector, smart cities, roads etc, UltraTech is well positioned across the country to meet the expected rise in demand and participate in the next phase of growth in the country."