Veooz, a mobile platform that brings breaking news and stories from thousands of local, global news and social media sources using patented algorithms, was launched in Hyderabad on Monday. Founded by Srini Koppolu, former managing director of Microsoft India Development Centre (MSIDC), Vasudeva Varma, dean (research and development) at International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, and search, machine learning and natural language processing expert Prasad Pingali, Veooz is available in 10 languages.
“With a vision to provide easy access to relevant news to the widest audience across the world, we are making the Veooz app available for 40 countries,” said co-founder and chief executive officer Srini Koppolu.
The free-to-download app, currently available for Android and iOS devices, enables users to experience the stories in many ways. They can skim through the headlines, read a short summary or the full story. Users can also get in-depth coverage with related stories, pictures, videos and live buzz.
“Veooz is powered by a highly-scalable platform that continuously discovers and analyses stories from thousands of news, magazine and blog sources as well as millions of social media posts, pictures, videos and selects relevant stories using heuristics based on news and social signals. Using patented algorithms, auto-curated feeds are generated in real-time for 40 countries, 2,000 cities and 100,000 topics,” said co-founder and chief technology officer Prasad Pingali.
“With a vision to provide easy access to relevant news to the widest audience across the world, we are making the Veooz app available for 40 countries,” said co-founder and chief executive officer Srini Koppolu.
The free-to-download app, currently available for Android and iOS devices, enables users to experience the stories in many ways. They can skim through the headlines, read a short summary or the full story. Users can also get in-depth coverage with related stories, pictures, videos and live buzz.
“Veooz is powered by a highly-scalable platform that continuously discovers and analyses stories from thousands of news, magazine and blog sources as well as millions of social media posts, pictures, videos and selects relevant stories using heuristics based on news and social signals. Using patented algorithms, auto-curated feeds are generated in real-time for 40 countries, 2,000 cities and 100,000 topics,” said co-founder and chief technology officer Prasad Pingali.