“We intend to engage Nokia Siemens Networks as our Technology partner for our 4G network roll-out in the country,” said Videocon Mobile Services Director and CEO Arvind Bali.
With the 4G sercices network, Videocon will offer data service (internet) experience including Video Chat, Mobile TV, HD (high definition) TV content, digital video broadcasting etc, said Bali. Nokia Siemens Network is also the technology partner for Videocon for its 2G network.
Videocon has won spectrum in six telecom circles — Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh (East) and Uttar Pradesh (West) for Rs 2,221.44 crore in the November 2012 auction. As the spectrum is liberalised, operators can use the airwave for any technology.
“We will be pleased to partner with Videocon Mobile Services to launch 4G LTE services in India in order to further drive mobile broadband usage,” Nokia Siemens Networks' Head of India Region Sandeep Girotra said.