India's Voltas company, which is under the Tata Group, has won an electro-mechanical contract worth about Rs 495 crore for the Bahrain City Centre, one of the biggest electro-mechanical projects ever undertaken in the Gulf state.The work will involve more than 1,500 workers and will be completed in June 2008.One third of the work force for the Bahrain Dinar 40 million (Rs 495 crore approx) project will be from India and the remaining will be deployed by various sub-contractors, the company said.This is the third major job being undertaken by Voltas in Bahrain. During 1988-1996, it carried out electro-mechanical work worth Bahrain Dinar 10 million (Rs 129 crore approx) for Bahrain International Airport in three phases.Another contract worth Bahrain Dinar 1.5 million (Rs 18.6 crore approx) for Seef Mall was carried out by Bemco, which was Voltas' joint venture with another Bahraini firm.