Swedish automobile manufacturer Volvo Car Corporation today showcased its new C70 sedan at the 9th Auto Expo. Company sources said that it will be launched in the Indian market soon."India is one of the very exciting luxury car market and this is the right time for us to expand in the country. The new C70 is not yet available in India but it might find its way to the country soon,"said Paul de Voijs, managing director, Volvo cars, India, without exactly specifying when it would be launched in the Indian market.When asked about pricing Voijs said, "If you compare the prices of C70 in other markets and add up the import duties it will be somewhere between Rs 42-44 lakh." The Volvo C70 is the second generation convertible of C70 from the company, with a three-piece retractable hard-top that transforms the vehicle from coupe to convertible at the touch of a button. The company, which already offers S80 as XC90, also plans to expand its dealership network across India in the current year and is targeting sales of over 500 cars.