Refrigerator manufacturers Whirlpool and Godrej have charged competitor LG Electronics India Ltd of misleading trade and consumers by overclaiming capacity of its frost-free refrigerators by up to 14 per cent, against the permissible limit of 3 per cent.
In two separate petitions filed with the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Commission (MRTPC), the companies have asked the Commission to not only direct LG Electronics to cease manufacturing and sale of the models in question, but also to recall all the refrigerators of the make (230 litres, 250 litres and 280 litres), which have been sold already.
The claim of the petitioners is backed by test reports conducted by the Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore, which is an independent agency conducting such tests and whose reports are relied upon by the refrigeration industry. The tests were conducted during April and May 2002.
LG Electronics