The BJP’s complaint said Rahul Gandhi’s speeches on October 23 in Churu and Kherli in Rajasthan were inflammatory and defamatory. Gandhi, in his speech, had talked of the Muzaffarnagar riots.
“The entire tone and tenor of Gandhi’s speech was to incite communal hatred and tension and make an appeal for votes in favour of the Congress on the basis of communal sentiments,” said the BJP memorandum. The MCC discourages any activity by a party or a candidate that creates or accentuates tensions between communities.
“We have requested the EC to lodge a First Information Report against Gandhi for violating the MCC by giving speeches that incite communal hatred,” said Satya Pal Jain, head of the BJP's legal affairs cell.
The BJP said since the Congress has also not ‘disassociated’ itself with Gandhi’s speech, hence, for violating the MCC, its status should be withdrawn.
“Congress is a recognised national party (and it) has not disassociated itself with the allegations made by its vice president till date. It has also further violated the MCC and its recognition as a national party is liable to be withdrawn immediately,” the memorandum said.
The party said in the past too, Congress leaders such as Salman Khurshid, Beni Prasad Verma, Shankarsinh Vaghela had violated the MCC. These leaders had to later apologise for their comments.