Wyeth has launched in the Indian market, Prevenar, a 7-valent Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine indicated for active immunization of children against invasive pneumococcal disease.The 7-valent vaccine, priced at around Rs 3,300 per vial in India, would help protect children against sepsis, meningitis, bacteraemic pneumonia and bacteraemia, diseases caused by Streptococcus pneumomiae.Ranga Iyer, MD of Wyeth, said: "the product is priced on par with global levels. The vaccine is being imported from the US facility and currently there is no plan to manufacture it here. We have not fixed any sales target for the vaccine in the first year as it will need lot of awareness and product education pragramme in the country in the initial face to achieve a substantial market presence. Earlier, Wyeth was planning to launch this product through its 100% subsidiary in India. However, following strong resistance from the shareholders to this decision, Wyeth entered into an agreement with its US parent to retain the right to market Prevenar in India.