Zee seeks Rs 100cr in damages for hijacking its teaser campaign. |
The Subhash Chandra-promoted Zee group, along with its partner, the Dainik Bhaskar group, has slapped a civil suit against Bennett, Coleman & Co Ltd (BCCL) for "hijacking" its teaser campaign for an English newspaper to be launched in Mumbai. |
They have sought Rs 100 crore in damages as well as an unconditional apology from BCCL. |
The matter came up for hearing in the Bombay High Court today. |
BCCL executives were not available for comment despite several attempts to reach them in Mumbai and New Delhi. |
The Zee-Bhaskar combine launched its teaser campaign about two weeks ago. |
Over 150 hoardings across Mumbai showed individuals from different walks of life with a grey strip across the mouths with the catchline, "Speak up, it's in your DNA." |
Created by Rediffusion DY &R, the print campaign was to announce the launch of their English daily in Mumbai later this year. |
Bennett, Coleman released a series of print advertisements for its Marathi newspaper "Maharashtra Times" claiming that its newspaper was number one in the city and ahead of its nearest rival, the Express group's Marathi daily "Loksatta." |
"The Maharashtra Times" campaign showed visuals of five individuals taking off the grey sticker that sealed their mouths. The visuals were quite similar to those in the posters of the Zee-Dainik Bhaskar combine. |
Diligent Media, the joint venture between the Zee group and the "Dhainik Bhaskar" group which will be publishing the newspaper, stated that Bennett, Coleman had indulged in infringement of copyright, passing off action and resorted to an unfair business practice with a view to derive an unfair business advantage, with malicious intention and motive. |
The court directed Bennett, Coleman not to issue any further advertisements that resembled the advertisements of the plaintiff. Bennett, Coleman sought time from the court till Monday to respond. |
Ashish Kaul, vice president at the Zee group and the group's spokesperson, told Business Standard, "It was certainly disappointing to see such a large group of repute indulging in unfair practices." |
"Loksatta," the Express group's Marathi newspaper, too released similar ads in its Mumbai editions this week. |
Asked whether Loksatta would also face similar action, Kaul was confident that with the court's ruling expected on Monday, the other newspaper would refrain from issung such ads. He added that the teaser campaign would be on for some more time. |