According to police, the victim S Swathi a resident of Choolaimedu was waiting at a railway platform to board a train to her office at Mahindra World City, in Maraimalainagar, in the outskirts of the city at around 6.30 am on Friday.
According to reports, eyewitnesses said that the man approached her at the platform and both had heated arguments. He allegedly took out a sharp weapon and attacked her and fled away immediately after he attacked the woman and she bled to death on the spot.
The police is investigating on various aspects to find out the culprit and the motive behind the crime, said sources.
Infosys in a statement said: "We are saddened by the unfortunate incident that has led to the demise of our employee in Chennai. We are working with the local authorities as they investigate the matter and will continue to provide our co-operation and support. Our deepest sympathies and prayers are with the family of the deceased. Infosys will provide all the necessary support to the family in their hour of grief."