Bollywood actor Aamir Khan has complained to Mumbai Police, alleging that a smear campaign has been launched against him on some social networking sites to tarnish his reputation and that of his issue based show following which a preliminary enquiry has begun, police said today.
According to police sources, the 48-year-old actor met Joint Police Commissioner (Crime) Sadanand Date at Mumbai Police Headquarters yesterday and briefed him about "false and malicious messages" that were being circulated in social networking sites Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp to damage his image and reputation of his issue based show 'Satyamev Jayate' (SMJ).
"Aamir Khan complained to us about some objectionable messages getting circulated (against him). Preliminary enquiry is on. Aamir is likely to share more details with us tomorrow," Date told PTI.
"False and malicious messages are circulating through various electronic media including Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter and other social media networks alleging that donations are being sought in my television program 'Satyamev Jayate Season 2,' in relation to an entity which claims to be working in the field of Masjid Construction Assistance and placement assistance for Islamic youngsters," he said.
The actor said 'Satyamev Jayate' season one was associated with Humanity Trust, Hanspukur, West Bengal which is a charitable hospital run by Dr Ajoy Mistry and his mother Subhashini Mistry and not the one being mentioned on social media.
The actor clarified, "all donations sought in the SMJ are used and channelized for entirely deserving and secular causes, contrary to the content of the highly mischievous/malicious insinuations in the messages, being circulated by vested and unscrupulous interests.
According to police sources, the 48-year-old actor met Joint Police Commissioner (Crime) Sadanand Date at Mumbai Police Headquarters yesterday and briefed him about "false and malicious messages" that were being circulated in social networking sites Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp to damage his image and reputation of his issue based show 'Satyamev Jayate' (SMJ).
"Aamir Khan complained to us about some objectionable messages getting circulated (against him). Preliminary enquiry is on. Aamir is likely to share more details with us tomorrow," Date told PTI.
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Meanwhile, the actor asked Facebook to respond to his concerns.
"False and malicious messages are circulating through various electronic media including Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter and other social media networks alleging that donations are being sought in my television program 'Satyamev Jayate Season 2,' in relation to an entity which claims to be working in the field of Masjid Construction Assistance and placement assistance for Islamic youngsters," he said.
The actor said 'Satyamev Jayate' season one was associated with Humanity Trust, Hanspukur, West Bengal which is a charitable hospital run by Dr Ajoy Mistry and his mother Subhashini Mistry and not the one being mentioned on social media.
The actor clarified, "all donations sought in the SMJ are used and channelized for entirely deserving and secular causes, contrary to the content of the highly mischievous/malicious insinuations in the messages, being circulated by vested and unscrupulous interests.