The Centre will spend an additional Rs 2,000 crore in Assam to expand the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana by over 3,100 kilometre to include areas with a population of 250-499 people. In a letter to Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi, Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh said the expansion of the scheme would benefit 1,877 unconnected habitations in Assam.
"Keeping in view the requests made by you as well as by DONER, the Union Cabinet brought about this very important change in the PMGSY guidelines," Ramesh wrote to Gogoi.The change in guidelines will benefit 1,877 areas in Assam with a population of 250-499 covering a length of 3,140 kilometres as reported by the state, he added.
"This will involve an additional expenditure of about Rs 2,000 crore (2013/14 price) that the Centre would bear," Ramesh said.
"Keeping in view the requests made by you as well as by DONER, the Union Cabinet brought about this very important change in the PMGSY guidelines," Ramesh wrote to Gogoi.The change in guidelines will benefit 1,877 areas in Assam with a population of 250-499 covering a length of 3,140 kilometres as reported by the state, he added.
"This will involve an additional expenditure of about Rs 2,000 crore (2013/14 price) that the Centre would bear," Ramesh said.