Bajaj Auto on Friday said its manufacturing plant at Waluj in Maharashtra is functioning normally. The statement comes following media reports that the unit has shut down due to some Covid-19 cases.
"At the outset we want to clarify that our manufacturing facility at Waluj is functioning normally," Ravi Kyran Ramasamy, company's chief human resource officer said in a statement.
The plant makes three-wheelers and a few motorcycle models. Following the countrywide lockdown, its Waluj facility has been ramping operations from April 24 onwards.
As part of the ramp-up, detailed cleanliness and health check protocols have been drafted and implemented in consonance and compliance with all Government regulations and guidelines. These protocols have been reviewed and approved by appropriate authorities and adherence is strictly monitored by our in-house health and security staff, Ramaswamy said.
"From April 24 till June 6, 2020, we had no Covid-19 incident at our Waluj plant. However, as is well known, post the easing of lockdown progressively from June 1, there has been a general increase across the country in the rise of infection including among industries, armed forces, police, media and government institutions. Likewise, we too had our first reported case on June 6. We have immediately taken all necessary measures for testing, contact tracing, self-isolation and complete sanitation as per protocol. All incidents were reported to the appropriate authorities," he said.