Without naming Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi and his developmental politics, Kumar pointed out that the real model of development is to fight for the rights of under developed and to take everyone together without differentiating between them on the basis of caste or religion.
“We have to be prepared for 2014 general election. Either the union government gives special status to Bihar immediately or else we will definitely get it after the 2014 Lok Sabha election. The person who feels for the underdeveloped will form the government in Delhi. In 2014, the person who listens to people of Bihar should form the government at the centre,” said Nitish Kumar, Bihar chief minister, while addressing a mammoth crowd at Ramlila ground in the national capital.
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The mega rally is seen as an attempt by Bihar chief minister to counter the popularity of Narednra Modi. Kumar has sent a strong message through the public meeting that people of Bihar, with 40 Lok Sabha seats, cannot be ignored at the centre while government formation.
Bihar chief minister has led a campaign for more than two years to demand special status for the state. Although Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had reluctant on the issue initially, Finance Minister P Chidambaram has indicated that the union government will have a relook on the issue.
Kumar argued that by demanding special status for Bihar, the state was not only fighting for its rights but a change in the rules and policies of the union government will also benefit other backward states which are trying to develop at a faster rate.
“Development is our right. Why cannot people of Bihar develop? Why do they don’t have access to better education, infrastructure and employment? We will not rest till Bihar gets special status. There are more than 10.5 crore people in Bihar and political leaders sitting in Delhi should recognise this strength. If all the underdeveloped states come together, who will be in power in Delhi?,” Kumar pointed out at the public meeting.