The Beating Retreat ceremony, organised at the Vijay Chowk on January 29 every year, marks the culmination of the four-day-long Republic Day celebrations. The ceremony includes performance by the bands of three wings of the military - Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force at Raisina Hills.
The ceremony traces its origins to the early 1950s when Major Roberts of the Indian Army developed the unique ceremony of display by the massed bands.
What you must know about the 'Beating Retreat' ceremony
The Beating Retreat ceremony marks a centuries-old military tradition when the troops ceased fighting, sheathed their arms and withdrew from the battlefield and returned to the camps at sunset at the sounding of the Retreat. The ceremony begins with the arrival of the President accompanied his bodyguards in their ceremonial dress. After the event, Prime Minister of India walks around the Vijay Chowk and greets the crowd.
This year, the Inter-services guard will be commanded by Wing Commander Vipul Goyal. The Air Force march will be led by Flight Lieutenant Shrikant Sharma and three other officers. The Air Force band is to have 72 musicians and 3 drum majors.
Where can you buy Beating Retreat ticket in Delhi?
Tickets for the Beating Retreat 2020 are sold at various spots spread across Delhi.
• North Block Roundabout
• Sena Bhawan (Gate 2).
• Pragati Maidan (Gate 1 at Bhairon Road).
• Jantar Mantar (Main Gate)
• Shastri Bhawan (near Gate 3)
• Jamnagar House (opposite India Gate)
• Red Fort (inside August 15 Park and opposite Jain Temple).
• Parliament House Reception Office, special counter for Members of Parliament.
Beating Retreat ticket cost:
The cost of the ticket ranges from Rs 20 to Rs 50, depending on the distance.
What time is Beating Retreat?
The Beating Retreat ceremony begins at 6 pm.
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