Bharti Foundation, the development arm of Bharti Enterprises, on Monday said that the company has decided to adopt Ludhiana District, which is the home district of its founder Sunil Bharti Mittal, as its focus area for improvement of rural sanitation.
The announcement comes following the Independence day speech of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi asking corporations to join hands with the Government in social development. The company, under its development initiative - Satya Bharti Abhiyan will improve rural household sanitation across Punjab.
As part of this programme, Bharti Foundation will invest up to Rs 100 crore in constructing toilets while reaching out to every rural household lacking such facilities in Ludhiana District, over the next three years, Bharti said in a statement.
"Lack of private sanitation facilities in rural households not only constitutes a major cause of embarrassment for the women, but also points to a much wider problem of rural hygiene and cleanliness. It is our commitment that no single household or school in rural Ludhiana will be without a toilet by the end of this tenure," Sunil Bharti Mittal, Chairman, Bharti Foundation, said.