The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) national executive, which meets for a two-day session here on Friday and Saturday, is likely to pass a resolution lauding the exemplary leadership provided by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the last few months, with particular mention to the September 29 "surgical strikes" by the Indian Army on terror camps on the Line of Control and the demonetisation decision.
The national executive, to be held on January 6 and 7, comes barely a month before the assembly polls in five states, including in Uttar Pradesh, and the party's political resolution is expected to touch upon the several pro-poor, pro-farmer and pro-small traders and small entrepreneur schemes that the PM has announced.
The BJP's last such meeting was its national council meeting in Kozhikode, Kerala, on September 23, 24 and 25, just days after the Uri terror attack of September 18. The terror attack had dominated the proceedings then.
The national executive, therefore, will talk about the international support India has received on the issue of terrorism. It will refer to Modi government's decision to implement 'one rank one pension' for retired defence personnel.
But the focus, according to sources, will be the forthcoming polls and Modi government's efforts at welfare of the poor - the leitmotif of the government as part of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya birth centenary.
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