The Delhi High court on Tuesday ordered that no action can be taken against Special Director of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Rakesh Asthana until next hearing which is scheduled on October 29.
By that time the CBI director has to respond to the allegations levelled by Asthana.
Rakesh Asthana on Tuesday had moved the Delhi High Court seeking the quashing of First Information Report (FIR) filed against him by the CBI.
The matter was mentioned before Chief Justice Rajendra Menon and Justice VK Rao.
The investigating agency filed an FIR against Asthana for allegedly accepting a bribe from a businessman, who was related to controversial meat exporter Moin Akhtar Qureshi case. Asthana was heading the Special Investigation Team (SIT) that was probing Qureshi's case.
Earlier in the day, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Devendra Kumar also moved the Delhi High Court challenging his arrest by the CBI. The court has issued a notice to CBI on his plea for quashing FIR against him.
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The case against Kumar and Asthana among others was registered based on a complaint received by Hyderabad-based businessman Sathish Babu Sana on October 15.
In his complaint, Sana accused Asthana, Kumar and others of taking bribes to absolved in the Moin Qureshi case.