CBI, on Thursday, filed its closure report in a Delhi court in the FIR lodged against Kamal Sponge Steel and Power Ltd and its directors in connection with the coal blocks allocation scam case. The agency filed its closure report in the case before Special CBI Judge Madhu Jain who fixed it for consideration on May 2, according to CBI sources.
They said CBI has stated in its closure report that it has not found sufficient evidence against the firm and its directors to proceed with the case. The firm and its directors, Pavan Ahluwalia, Kamaljeet Ahluwalia, Prashant Ahluwalia, its senior official Amit Goyal and some unknown public servants were arrayed as an accused in the FIR lodged by CBI, the sources said.
They said CBI has stated in its closure report that it has not found sufficient evidence against the firm and its directors to proceed with the case. The firm and its directors, Pavan Ahluwalia, Kamaljeet Ahluwalia, Prashant Ahluwalia, its senior official Amit Goyal and some unknown public servants were arrayed as an accused in the FIR lodged by CBI, the sources said.