Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy, who has been critical of the Congress and Centre's move to bifurcate Andhra Pradesh to create Telangana, today said he would continue to make efforts to keep the state united.
"Individuals are not permanent but the state is. We will make all efforts to continue the state as Andhra Pradesh with your support," the Chief Minister said.
"Those who think of the state's future would not support division. Only those with selfish interests would advocate it. Those who are concerned about the country, state and people's welfare would never advocate division," he said.
Reddy, who has been opposing the division of the state ever since the decision to form separate Telangana was announced, had urged the Centre to reconsider its decision and even said he would not care for his post.
"Individuals are not permanent but the state is. We will make all efforts to continue the state as Andhra Pradesh with your support," the Chief Minister said.
"Those who think of the state's future would not support division. Only those with selfish interests would advocate it. Those who are concerned about the country, state and people's welfare would never advocate division," he said.
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The Chief Minister was speaking at a public meeting in connection with the 'Rachabanda' (village junction) mass-contact programme organised in the Kadapa district.
Reddy, who has been opposing the division of the state ever since the decision to form separate Telangana was announced, had urged the Centre to reconsider its decision and even said he would not care for his post.