Corona updates: India on Thursday recorded a spike of 45,892 new infections, taking the total caseload to 30,709,557, according to MoHFW. The death count increased to 405,028 with 817 new fatalities, the data showed. Active cases rose again for the first time since May 13, to 460,704. Expressing concern over the surge in Covid cases in nine states — Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Kerala, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Odisha, Tripura and Sikkim — the health ministry has emphasised the need to strengthen efforts to curb the spread of the virus.
Kerala reported 15,600 new infections, followed by Maharashtra (9,558), Tamil Nadu (3,367), Andhra Pradesh (3,116), Karnataka (2,743), Delhi (93) and West Bengal (962).
From the northeastern states, Assam reported 2,289 new cases and Manipur 760.
The five most affected states by total cases are Maharashtra (6,122,893), Kerala (3,011,694), Karnataka (2,862,338), Tamil Nadu (2,506,848), and Andhra Pradesh (1,911,181).
World coronavirus update: Covid-19 is continuing to spread around the world, with 185,816,850 confirmed cases and 4,017,142 deaths across nearly 200 countries recorded since China reported its first cases in December 2019. The US remains the worst-hit country with 34,641,050 cases, followed by India, Brazil, France and Russia.
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