Corona updates: India has recorded 48,698 cases in the last 24 hours, taking the country's total coronavirus caseload to 30,183,143. India also recorded a spike in new deaths with 1,183 fatalities being reported yesterday. The death toll now stands at 394,493. The Centre on Friday informed that 50 cases of Delta Plus variant of Covid-19 have been recorded across 11 states of India, adding that the maximum number of such cases were in Maharashtra.
Kerala reported 11,546 new infections, followed by Maharashtra (9,677), Tamil Nadu (5,755), Andhra Pradesh (4,458), Karnataka (3,310), Delhi (115) and West Bengal (1,933).
The five most affected states by total cases are Maharashtra (6,017,035), Kerala (2,865,871), Karnataka (2,826,754), Tamil Nadu (2,455,332), and Andhra Pradesh (1,871,475).
World coronavirus update: Covid-19 is continuing to spread around the world, with 181,160,192 confirmed cases and 3,924,413 deaths across nearly 200 countries recorded since China reported its first cases in December 2019. The US remains the worst-hit country with 34,481,765, followed by India, Brazil, France and Russia.
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