The number of Omicron cases of coronavirus in Tamil Nadu jumped to 34 on Thursday and the infected who were asymptomatic were "doing well" with issues such as giddiness and sore throat, the state government said.
Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Ma Subramanian, said the infected included the contacts of the state's first case, an air traveller who arrived here from Nigeria via Doha.
The samples of the persons infected with S-gene drop, a possible indicator of Omicron infection, had been sent to the Centre earlier and 33 of them have been confirmed for the latest variant of the virus, he told reporters here.
"All 34 (including the first case) are asymptomatic and have giddiness and sore throat and are doing well," he said.
The suspected cases had been under observation for quite some time and some of them could soon return negative for the virus and may be discharged, he added.