Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday said that though there are only 829 active cases of COVID-19 and the positivity rate in the state is below 0.05 per cent "vigilance and caution are necessary."
Addressing a press conference, after the inspection of the COVID facility and Oxygen Plant at Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital in Lucknow, the Chief Minister said, "Today, I have inspected the dedicated COVID-19 Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital. According to experts, the third wave is not as dangerous as compared to the second wave. But from the point of view of vigilance and caution, it is necessary that all the arrangements are done by the administration."
He further said there is no need to worry about COVID and added, "We just have to take precautions. The positivity rate in the state is below 0.05 per cent. There are about 829 active cases in the state of which 562 cases are in home isolation and are mild. The virus is weakening, but vigilance and caution are necessary in view of the intensity of the infection," said the Chief Minister.
The CM also informed that there is a supply of medical oxygen to each bed of the 200-bedded COVID dedicated hospital.
"The Liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO) installed here during the second wave is fully functional. There is a supply of medical oxygen to each bed of this 200-bedded COVID dedicated hospital. Also, 600 cylinders are on standby here," he said.
He added that as precautionary measures COVID-19 awareness programmes are being held inj the state.
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"Uttar Pradesh has also taken forward the vaccination campaign very fast. Till now 20 crore doses have been given in the state, which is the highest in the country," he added.
The Chief Minister said that Uttar Pradesh has conducted the maximum number of COVID-19 tests in the country. "We have done more than 9 crore 29 lakh tests so far," he added.
"Amid the concern of the COVID-19 third wave, we have increased testing and tracing of all the passengers coming from other countries. The administration has already imposed night curfew from 11 pm to 5 am," said Yogi.
He further said that the state government is fully prepared and alert. "72,000 monitoring committees are active and they have been given a medical kit for a door-to-door survey."
The Chief Minister also made an appeal about not spreading fear among people while urging caution.
"I also appeal that instead of creating fear and panic among people, it will be better if you pay attention to vigilance and caution," he added.