Twitter users were taken by surprise on Monday as Tata trusts, in a sudden move, announced that Cyrus Mistry was being replaced as the chairman of Tata Sons by Chairman Emeritus Ratan Tata. While a selection committee has been set up to look for a new chairman within four months, Ratan Tata is to be the interim chairman for now. Soon after the news broke, microblogging site Twitter was abuzz, with users wondering what might have prompted the decision.
Even as the Tata group was tight-lipped on the reason for Mistry’s removal, #CyrusMistry was the top Twitter trend at 7 pm.
Mistry had taken over the reins of the $100-billion salt-to-steel conglomerate four years ago in December 2014. Monday’s announcement came after a Tata Sons board meeting in Mumbai. The board named a five-member selection committee, comprising Ratan Tata, Venu Srinivasan, Amit Chandra, Ronen Sen and Sushanta Kumar Bhattacharyya, to find a new chairman within four months. This was done in line with the criteria in the Articles of Association of Tata Sons.
Here is an assortment of some interesting tweets:
Even as the Tata group was tight-lipped on the reason for Mistry’s removal, #CyrusMistry was the top Twitter trend at 7 pm.
Mistry had taken over the reins of the $100-billion salt-to-steel conglomerate four years ago in December 2014. Monday’s announcement came after a Tata Sons board meeting in Mumbai. The board named a five-member selection committee, comprising Ratan Tata, Venu Srinivasan, Amit Chandra, Ronen Sen and Sushanta Kumar Bhattacharyya, to find a new chairman within four months. This was done in line with the criteria in the Articles of Association of Tata Sons.
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While some Twitter users were busy disseminating the news of the sudden development, others could not help but display their surprise, and yet others were quick to display their humour.
Here is an assortment of some interesting tweets: