“The aim of computerisation of postal savings bank functions through Sanchay Post software was improving operations and providing error-free and faster service to customers. But we observed the database has not been secured and is easily susceptible to data manipulation, which might lead to fraud,” the report said.
As a data entry mode was used even when the online module was operational, data weren’t validated by the controls built into the software, causing many violations in opening of accounts, exposing the system to the risk of fraud, it said. “The software is unable to exercise necessary control to prevent opening of multiple/excess accounts and deposits, thus causing loss to the government due to payment of excess interest.”
The customer application forms, the only available information given by the customer duly signed by him with necessary declarations, have not been preserved in many post offices. Also, information kiosks procured for providing postal information and Internet browsing facility to customers in post offices (POs) remain underutilised. "(About) 75 per cent of kiosks test checked by audit were not being utilised at all," the report said.
"Evaluation of booking and delivery of money orders (MOs) revealed that delivery performance of MOs in test-checked post offices in Delhi, the North East, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat circles was below the threshold limit," it added. The delivery performance of speed post has been better than those of private couriers in major cities at the tehsil and village levels.
None of the states could adhere to the timeframe proposed for the creation and implementation of core and support infrastructure for various projects under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP). "There was lack of synchronisation in the execution of projects leading to delays in e-delivery of services. The pace of utilisation of the infrastructure like SWAN and SDC in furthering e-governance in 10 states selected for audit was found to be slow," it said.