Delhi Jal Board (DJB) Vice Chairman Raghav Chadha on Thursday asked officials to take stern action in cases of illegal connections and water wastage.
He also called for strict and swift action against anyone found guilty of dumping garbage in sewers.
"The DJB will no longer tolerate wastage of water or illegal connections. The entire society has to suffer because of the mistakes of one or two people," Chadha said at a meeting with officials.
He said the DJB will conduct a month-long vigilance campaign to create awareness about judicious use of water. Challans will also be issued against anyone found having illegal connection, wasting water or dumping garbage in sewer lines.
"It has also been found that water meant for domestic purposes is used for non-domestic purposes. Any individual or body found guilty of such an offence must be issued a challan on the spot," Chadha said.
All authorised officers of DJB can check for water wastage from overflowing tanks or misuse of water for gardening, etc. and file challans at designated courts of the special metropolitan magistrates of their respective areas.