Twitter users came in support of Indian cricket team captain Virat Kohli after he posted a video on Wednesday urging people in Delhi to help curb pollution levels in the National Capital Region. Kohli’s video has garnered support from people across the board.
With the onset of winter, Delhi’s air quality has deteriorated to alarming levels. A blanket of smog has engulfed the national capital Delhi and adjoining areas for a few days. This noxious smog has left the citizens gasping and praying for fresh air. Citizens have also been cranking about poor visibility and the waning air quality in in the city. People are getting sick and experiencing respiratory illness, too.
Twitter users responded to Kohli's words of suggestion for reducing the air pollution in the capital.
Kohli asked people to contribute in their own ways to reduce pollution in the national capital. In a short Twitter video with the hashtag #Delhi, we need to talk! #MujheFarakPadtaHai, Kohli posted a video of himself describing measures Delhiites could take to improve the situation.
"We all know what the situation of pollution is like in Delhi. If we have to win this match against the pollution, we all have to come forward and fight against it. It is our responsibility to reduce the pollution levels. Especially the people who live in Delhi, it's their responsibility," said in the video Kohli.
Kohli urged people to use public transport like metro or share their rides or at least once a week if they want to see a difference in the current situation.
Here’s how Twitter users extended their support:
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