The Delhi High court on Friday restrained the Times Group and Arnab Goswami's Republic TV from reporting or publishing any material (except written orders) regarding the ongoing content infringement suit between two media houses.
The court's decision came after a series of back and forth arguments on the contentious issue, including the publishing of an earlier Times of India article reporting the case as an incident of theft committed by Republic TV and Arnab Goswami - of which the court took a critical view.
The Times Group case against Republic TV involves the airing of the Sunanda Pushkar and Lalu Prasad Yadav-Shahabuddin exposes in the early days of the launch of the channel, which the Times Group has claimed is their copyrighted content and gathered by Arnab Goswami (and another former journalist of the Times Group) during his Times Now day's.
In addition to passing directions curtailing the two media houses from reporting on the case, the court also recorded submissions made on behalf of Arnab Goswami, through which he has submitted a statement denying any wrongdoing in the matter. As part of the statement, Goswami has also undertaken to continue abiding by the terms of his former employment contract that prevents him from sharing any work was done or content created during his tenure with the Times Group.
The case will be heard again on August 31.
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