Factors that help women return to work post their maternity leave

From the employer's perspective managers validated that childcare and maternity are the key exit gates for women

Work-life balance, gender equality
Work-life balance, gender equality and results-oriented management are all aspects of a unified whole Photo: iSTOCK
STR Team
Last Updated : Apr 25 2018 | 10:37 PM IST
Women at work

Genpact Centre for Women Leadership at Ashoka University has released a report titled, “Predicament Of Returning Mothers”. The report highlights the challenges faced by women who are at high risk of dropping out due to pregnancy and child care. According to the report, following are the key factors that help women return to work post their maternity leave: a strong sense of identity; a precedence of women working in family, presence of role models that they could relate to, support from mothers-in-law, husbands and social circle, and financial instability at home that drives them to work and earn. From the employer’s perspective managers validated that childcare and maternity are the key exit gates for women. They also agree that demotion of returning mothers often lead to dissatisfaction at work and resignations.

Multiple paths to IoT
According to Ericsson study ‘Exploring IoT Strategies’, telecom service providers are pursuing multiple paths to IoT (internet of things) revenue. The service providers believe cellular IoT and new 5G technologies will be a game changer in IoT. About 70 per cent of service providers do not have a well-defined strategy, instead they are testing alternative roles within the IoT value chain. The four service provider role categories identified by the study are: Network provider, connectivity provider, service enabler and service creator. While the network provider and connectivity provider roles are seen by the interviewees as foundational roles, driving most of their IoT revenues, 80 per cent of study participants also plan to create value beyond connectivity. Service providers see that additional value can be created either by providing differentiating services through sub-roles within the four roles, or by progressively offering end-to-end solutions as service enablers or service creators.

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