The Delhi government has asked all private construction sites to follow its 14-point guidelines to prevent dust pollution in the city, Environment Minister Gopal Rai said on Friday.
The AAP-led government had conducted a review meeting with all state-run agencies engaged in construction work in Delhi and they were told to submit their action plans to prevent dust pollution by September 21.
Many private agencies are also involved in construction work in the city. We conducted a meeting with over 50 such companies, including L&T, Shapoorji, among others.
"These private construction sites have been asked to comply with the 14-point guidelines to prevent dust pollution within 15 days," Rai said.
The minister further said the government also discussed about the problems faced in the construction work last year.
Under the 14-point guidelines, construction sites should be covered from all sides using tin sheds. The sites measuring more than 20,000 square metres will have to deploy anti-smog guns.
Vehicles carrying construction material should also be covered. There should be no collection of construction and demolition (C&D) waste on roadside. Besides grinding of stones will also not be allowed in the open, the guidelines stated.