Congress MP and former Women and Child Development minister Renuka Chowdhury is also in Chattisgarh to protest against the BJP led state government’s “inaction” in ensuring justice to the rape victims who are minors. Speaking to Business Standard from Kanker district, where the residential school is located, Chowdhury said, “The incidents took place in August last year but have come to light only now. The state government is not allowing a free and fair enquiry, they are more interested in sweeping things under the carpet.” Chowdhury emphasizes that the victims in this case were minor tribal girls between the ages of five and 12 and were under the care of their warden and school staff, who turned out to be their aggressors.
The state unit is organising protest marches from the district to the state capital Raipur to force the government to act.
Last week, after the Congress led UPA came out with an ordinance on sexual assault ensuring stringent penalty for such crimes, Rahul Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi visited the family of the Delhi gang rape victim. The government had in the wake of the horrific incident in December, committed to bringing in stronger laws to tackle crimes against women.
When the elder brother of the Delhi gang rape victim urged that one of the accused who is a juvenile should not be allowed to get away with a light sentence on the plea that he is a juvenile, Rahul Gandhi reportedly assuaged his concerns but added that “the law had to take its course.” He also informed them about the steps being taken by the government such as the Ordinance on sexual assault to ensure better safety and security for women.
Sonia Gandhi who had met the family earlier, was reportedly keen to stay in touch with them and assure them that "their daughter’s life had not gone in vain."