Union Minister Girriraj Singh on Saturday lashed out at the All India United Democratic Front (AIDUF) chief Badruddin Ajmal over his remarks asking Hindus to get their daughters married at the age of 18-20 years.
Speaking to reporters in Begusarai, the BJP leader said, "We want to make a law for population control as resources are limited."
"The law should be strict and be followed by both Hindus and Muslims. Those who do not follow it should be punished as per the law and their voting rights, too, should be taken away," he said.
The Union Minister also attacked Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over his remark that BJP only chants 'Jai Shri Ram' and not 'Jai Siya Ram'.
"It will take Rahul Gandhi four lives to learn about and understand Indian culture. We are devotees of goddesses Durga, Kaali and Saraswati. So, let no one preach us," he said.
The AIDUF chief on Friday stirred a controversy, saying that Hindus should follow the Muslims in getting their children married at a young age.
"Muslim men marry at the age of 20-22 and our women, too, marry at 18 as stipulated by the government. They (Hindus) have two or three wives before marriage. However, they don't give birth in a bid to save costs," the AIDUF chief said.