Anil Goswami was on Wednesday removed from the post of home secretary. This followed Goswami being summoned for an explanation on why he tried to intervene and prevent the arrest of Matang Sinh, former minister of state in the Prime Minister's Office, in the Saradha scam.
Rural Development Secretary L C Goyal, a 1979 batch Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer of the Kerala cadre, has been appointed Goswami's successor.
Sources said earlier on Wednesday, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh had briefed Prime Minister Narendra Modi about allegations that Goswami had tried to stall Matang Sinh's arrest.
Earlier, the home minister met Goswami and Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Director Anil Sinha to get a perspective about allegations that Goswami, a 1977 batch IAS officer from the Jammu & Kashmir cadre, had interfered in CBI's work on Saturday, the sources added.
Rural Development Secretary L C Goyal, a 1979 batch Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer of the Kerala cadre, has been appointed Goswami's successor.
Sources said earlier on Wednesday, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh had briefed Prime Minister Narendra Modi about allegations that Goswami had tried to stall Matang Sinh's arrest.
Earlier, the home minister met Goswami and Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Director Anil Sinha to get a perspective about allegations that Goswami, a 1977 batch IAS officer from the Jammu & Kashmir cadre, had interfered in CBI's work on Saturday, the sources added.