Gujarat added 654 cases to its COVID-19 tally in the last 24 hours, taking the state's tally to 8,31,732, while the death toll remained unchanged at 10,118, an official said on Friday.
So far, 8,18,652 people have recovered from the infection, including 63 on Friday, leaving the state with an active caseload of 2,962, with 17 patients being on ventilator support, he said.
As many as 8.94 crore COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered in the state so far, of which 1.88 lakh were given during the day, a government release informed.
Three new COVID-19 cases were recorded in adjoining Dadra Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu in the last 24 hours, said an official release.
The active tally is three in the Union Territory, which has a caseload of 10,666, including four deaths, and recovery count of 10,659.
Gujarat COVID-19 figures are as follows: Positive cases 8,31,732 new cases 654, deaths 10,118 discharged 8,18,652 active cases 2,962 and people tested so far - figures not released.