Heavy rains once again brought life to a standstill in Chennai since Monday evening. The capital city once again literally sinked under water as bridges and most of the roads are flooded with rain water.
Meanwhile the state adminiatration decided to keep the schools and colleges closed for the 19th straight day in Chennai, Tiruvallur and Kanchipuram disricts, which are affected the most due to nonstop rain since November 9.
The continuous rain from November 9 already took 166 people lives and state government estimated over Rs 8,000 crore is required to take up rehabilitation works and on infrastructure. While the state asked to release Rs 2,000 crore immediately, the centre released Rs 939 crore.
Meanwhile the state adminiatration decided to keep the schools and colleges closed for the 19th straight day in Chennai, Tiruvallur and Kanchipuram disricts, which are affected the most due to nonstop rain since November 9.
The continuous rain from November 9 already took 166 people lives and state government estimated over Rs 8,000 crore is required to take up rehabilitation works and on infrastructure. While the state asked to release Rs 2,000 crore immediately, the centre released Rs 939 crore.