Ministry of Railways clarified on Friday that the present increase in platform ticket prices, by up to Rs 50, at some railway stations is a 'temporary' measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus through crowding. The latest hike came close on the heels of the railways increasing ticket cost for short-distance trains.
The national transporter said the hike in platform ticket prices is being done at limited number of stations that see heavy rush, for example it's being implemented in only 7 out of total 78 stations in Mumbai division.
"There have been some reports in the media regarding the price of platform tickets. Hike in price of platform ticket is a TEMPORARY measure and is a field activity undertaken by railway administration in the interest of safety of passengers and to prevent overcrowding at stations. Deterring more persons to visit station, the platform ticket charges are increased from time to time after assessing ground situation. This is in practice for many years and is used occasionally as a SHORT TERM crowd control measure. There is NOTHING new about it," said the ministry in a statement.
"Considering the upsurge of Covid in few states, Indian Railway is discouraging people from unnecessary crowding at the platforms. Rush at the platforms during pandemic situation also needs to be regulated. The exercise is in public interest only," the ministry further said.
In March 2020, many divisions in Railways enhanced the platform ticket price at various stations to avoid crowding. Later, this was revoked over a period of time. "During festivals like Chathh, Diwali or Melas etc as well in different zones it (ticket price) is often temporarily increased and later on rolled back," the national transporter said.
It said powers to raise platform ticket prices to prevent crowding at stations had been delegated to Divisional Railway Managers (DRMs) since 2015.
"Regulation and controlling of crowd at stations is the responsibility of DRMs. Powers are delegated to DRMs since 2015 to raise platform ticket to regulate rush at platforms during specific requirements like mela, rally etc. The power to change charges of platform ticket has been delegated to DRM s due to field management requirement," said the ministry.
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