Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday welcomed Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "statesman-like" decision to repeal the three farm laws, and said it reflects that there is no other thought except the welfare of each and every Indian for the PM.
Prime Minister Modi this morning announced a rollback of the three agri laws at the centre of protests by farmers for the past year.
"PM @narendramodi's announcement relating to the farm laws is a welcome and statesmanlike move.As the Prime Minister pointed out in his address, the Government of India will keep serving our farmers and always support them in their endeavours," he tweeted.
The home minister said what is unique about the prime minister's announcement is that he picked the special day of Gurupurab to make this announcement.
"It also shows there is no other thought except the welfare of each and every Indian for him. He has shown remarkable statesmanship," he said.