IBPS CWE RRB V pre-exam training call letter 2016

The exam will be conducted between October 17, 2016, and October 22, 2016

Trupti Ramball Mumbai
Last Updated : Mar 09 2017 | 12:34 PM IST
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has uploaded the preliminary exam training call letters. Aspirants who seek employment in 29 public sector and regional rural banks (RRBs) for IBPS Group A officers (scale-I, II & III) and Group B office assistants (multipurpose) can download the call letter from the official website ibps.in. Last date for downloading is October 17, 2016 and the exam will be conducted between October 17 and October 22, 2016.

To download the letter, candidates need to follow certain steps:
  1. IBPS PO Call Letter/Admit Card for CWE RRB V Officer Scale I
  2. Visit the official website of IBPS, ibps.in
  3. Go to the Careers section
  4. Click on CWE RRB V Officer Scale I 
  5. Or click on IBPS RRB CWE V Pre-Exam Training Call Letter
  6. Enter essential details such as application/registration number and date of birth
  7. Click on submit button 
  8. Download and save admit card 
  9. Take a print out for further reference
Dates to remember:

Release of admit card for pre-examination training for the post of officers scale-I October 10, 2016
Last date to download the call letter for pre-exam training October 17, 2016
Conduct of pre-exam training October 17 to 22, 2016
Release of admit card for pre-exam for the post of office assistants (multipurpose) After October 17, 2016
Conduct of pre-exam training for Office Assistants (Multipurpose) October 24 to 29, 2016

For post of officer scale-I, there will be preliminary and main online exam to qualify. Candidates who have applied for office assistant (multipurpose) exam would be provisionally allotted to a RRB. The candidates applying for officer scale-I would be required to clear the interview before their selection. The cut-off marks of CWE RRB V Officer Scale I will be decided by IBPS.
Important instructions
Call letter download depends on various factors like Internet Speed, large number of applicants trying to download the call letter at the same time etc. In case the candidates are not able to download, they are advised to be patient and try after a gap of 5 minutes. It is also recommended to try during off-peak hours during the night.
Candidates have to ensure that the registration number and password are generated at the time of registration and displayed on the screen. These are also sent immediately upon successful registration, by way of auto generated email acknowledgement, at the registered email address.
It is also important that the candidates should ensure that the date of birth is same as entered at the time of registration. Candidate can refer to the application print for the date of birth entered. The date of birth is required to be entered in date, month and year format. 
It is advisable for candidates to go through the trial test to familiarize themselves with the screens, layout, and navigation. They have to prioritize each section and give equal importance to all the sections.
IBPS RRB Exam centres
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection conducts IBPS RRB Exam for the recruitment of various positions in bank. The centres for pre-exam training include Indore, Jabalpur, Agartala, Agra, Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Amritsar, Aurangabad, Balasore, Bareilly, Chandigarh, Chennai, Coimbatore, Dehradun, Dhanbad, Gorakhpur, Gulbarga, Guwahati, Hubli, Hyderabad,Jaipur, Jammu, Jodhpur, Behrampur (Ganjam), Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar,Kanpur, Karnal, Kavaratti, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Madurai, Mangalore, Mumbai, Muzaffarpur, Mysore, Nagpur, New Delhi, Panaji (Goa), Patiala, Patna, Port Blair, Puducherry, Pune, Raipur, Rajkot, Ranchi, Rohtak, Sambalpur, Shimla, Shillong, Siliguri, Thiruchirapalli, Thiruvananthapuram, Tirupati, Vadodara, Varanasi, Vijaywada and Vishakhapatnam.

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