Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa today sanctioned Rs.6.12 crore and ordered upgrading basic amenities and carrying out restoration work in temples and at the Iraniyal palace in Kanyakumari District.
At a cost of Rs.1.27 crore, work for providing several amenities will be taken up at Thirukovilur in Villupuram district.
Thirukovilur is home to ancient places of worship, including Shiva (Veerateswarar, Atulyanateeswarar) and Vishnu temples (Ulagalantha Perumal) which attract a steady stream of tourists and devotees.
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The facilities include drinking water, sanitary complex, overhead water tank and a borewell.
Similarly, the heritage Iranial Palace owned by temples in Kanyakumari District will be restored with the help of experts in archeaology and conservation at a cost of Rs 3.85 crore.
Also, restoration and conservation work will be taken up at the ancient Sri Mukhyachaleshwara temple in Villupuram district which predates the Chola era at a cost of Rs 1 crore.The temple is a site protected by the Archaeology Department.