Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has recovered from her ailment and is fine, though she is still in the Critical Care Unit (CCU), said Apollo Hospitals Chairman Prathap C Reddy.
Speaking to reporters regarding the health condition of the chief minister, he said that she is still in the CCU as the doctors need to keep her away from infections. She has recovered from her ailment completely and other systems of her body need to be pepped up. Her mental functions are fine, Reddy added.
She is living without the support of a ventilator, though the respiratory support is provided for around 20 minutes a day in order to avoid strain and she is taking regular diet, he said.
Reddy, earlier this month said that Jayalalithaa has recovered full, and she can decide on returning home when she need.
On September 22, Jayalalithaa was hospitalised due to "fever and dehydration". But later, the hospital said that Jayalalithaa is being treated by a team of experts consisting of Doctors from CCU of Apollo Hospitals, senior cardiologiss, senior respiratory physicians, senior consultant, infectious diseases, endocrinologist, diabetologist and deficians.