Undeterred by its poor show in the just-concluded urban local bodies polls in Karnataka, former chief minister and KJP supremo B S Yeddyurappa on Thursday said his party was capable of emerging as a strong regional outfit. The state was in an urgent need of a strong regional party and Karnataka Janata Paksha would fill the void, said Yeddyurappa, whose outfit damaged the prospects of ruling BJP in the ULB polls but failed to establish its credentials as a major force in its first electoral test since he quit BJP last November.
Addressing elected and defeated KJP candidates of the ULB polls, he said it was right time for a regional party to take charge in Karnataka and address issues and protect interests of the people, which previous governments "failed" to do. "I want central leaders to run to me to seek support as they do with Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa and DMK patriarch M Karunanidhi." Yeddyurappa also said he was holding talks with large sections of people including leaders in politics, academics, writers and pro-Kannada leaders to coax them to join KJP and bolster its electoral prospects.
"There is a need for a sort of united front in the state by inviting leaders from various parties and organisations which will be led by KJP," he added.
Addressing elected and defeated KJP candidates of the ULB polls, he said it was right time for a regional party to take charge in Karnataka and address issues and protect interests of the people, which previous governments "failed" to do. "I want central leaders to run to me to seek support as they do with Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa and DMK patriarch M Karunanidhi." Yeddyurappa also said he was holding talks with large sections of people including leaders in politics, academics, writers and pro-Kannada leaders to coax them to join KJP and bolster its electoral prospects.
"There is a need for a sort of united front in the state by inviting leaders from various parties and organisations which will be led by KJP," he added.