Masked criminals laced with firearms on Tuesday looted Rs 6.58 lakh from a the Central Cooperative Bank branch at Chouparan, about 70 kms from here in Hazaribagh district, said Bhimsen Tuti, Superintendent of Police, Hazaribag.
Tuti told reporters that when the Branch Manager and a bank employee entered the bank in the morning, they were followed by two persons posing as customers.
The duo wore masks soon after entering the branch and forcing the manager and the employee at gun point, moved them towards the strong room and asked them to open the chest.
The looters then took away cash valued at Rs 6.58 lakh and escaped, Tuti said.
Before escaping, the two criminals locked the two officials in a room and escaped with three other criminals who were waiting outside the bank and escaped in two waiting motorcycles, the officer said.
The SP said the village Chokidar of Chouparan reached the branch, freed the two officials and informed the police.
The police have started an investigation in to the matter.
Tuti said all adjacent police stations have been alerted and a search was on to nab the criminals, though no one has been arrested so far.
Tuti told reporters that when the Branch Manager and a bank employee entered the bank in the morning, they were followed by two persons posing as customers.
The duo wore masks soon after entering the branch and forcing the manager and the employee at gun point, moved them towards the strong room and asked them to open the chest.
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Before escaping, the two criminals locked the two officials in a room and escaped with three other criminals who were waiting outside the bank and escaped in two waiting motorcycles, the officer said.
The SP said the village Chokidar of Chouparan reached the branch, freed the two officials and informed the police.
The police have started an investigation in to the matter.
Tuti said all adjacent police stations have been alerted and a search was on to nab the criminals, though no one has been arrested so far.