AAP on Tuesday accused the Narendra Modi government of stealing credit from the forces post surgical strikes and repeatedly taking decisions against the interests of the armed forces in the wake of reports of rank disparity between military officers and their civilian counterparts.
"To lower their status with respect to civil officers without cause is an insult to their supreme sacrifice. This government has already failed the armed forces on the issue of 'One Rank One Pension' despite promising to implement it during the 2014 election campaign," AAP alleged.
"The disability pensions were manipulated under the 7th Pay Commission which offered a raw deal to those who place their lives at risk for the safety of Indians," it claimed.
Officers in the armed forces are upset over a Defence Ministry circular which purportedly downgrades their status vis-a-vis their civilian counterparts prompting Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar to personally look into the issue and promising to come up with a solution soon.
The party alleged that the move reflects the hypocrisy of BJP.
"After the Army's brave surgical strikes against Pakistan-sponsored terrorists last month, Bhartiya Janata Party misused the brave feat for political gains.
"On one hand, the party makes all attempts to steal credit from the forces and on the other, the BJP government in the Centre repeatedly takes decisions directly at odds with the interests of the armed forces," the party added.