The Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India has said rates approved in its order of January 2013 are to continue till end-May, 2015 or until those for the 2014-19 period are determined, whichever is earlier.
The User Development Fee paid by passengers are Rs 274 for domestic departures and Rs 574 for international departures. Unlike Delhi airport, CSI does not charge on arriving passengers.
"Aeronautical tariffs approved by the Authority vide order dated January 15, 2013 shall continue up to May 31st, 2015, or until the final determination of the tariffs for the second control period (2014-2019), whichever is earlier," the AERA order said.
It added, "The revenue so collected by the airport operator during such period shall be adjusted from the Aggregate Revenue Requirement for the second control period w.e.f April 1, 2014." Control period refers to a five-year period for collecting approved airport charges.
CSI is operated by Mumbai International Airport Ltd, a joint venture between GVK and state-owned Airports Authority of India.