"Funancial Quest," a quiz programme designed by the National Stock Exchange (NSE) to spread financial awareness among school students, has seen the participation of 140,000 students. The recently concluded fifth edition covered 225 schools across cities like Amritsar, Baroda, Bhopal, Shillong and Thiruvananthapuram, among others.
"It is estimated that till date, the programme has touched the lives of around 140,000 students of 8th and 9th standards through direct participations," NSE said in a release.
"I hope such projects help all to be more aware, more compassionate and help young people to grow up as concerned citizens who also financially literate. Such financial knowledge and skill are invaluable life skills," said Chitra Ramkrishna, managing director and chief executive officer, NSE.
Winning students from 15 schools participated in the "closing bell" ceremony at the exchange on Friday. Capital markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) mandates market intermediaries, including stock exchanges and mutual fund houses, to spend a portion of their profits on initiatives such as financial literacy programmes.
"It is estimated that till date, the programme has touched the lives of around 140,000 students of 8th and 9th standards through direct participations," NSE said in a release.
"I hope such projects help all to be more aware, more compassionate and help young people to grow up as concerned citizens who also financially literate. Such financial knowledge and skill are invaluable life skills," said Chitra Ramkrishna, managing director and chief executive officer, NSE.
Winning students from 15 schools participated in the "closing bell" ceremony at the exchange on Friday. Capital markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) mandates market intermediaries, including stock exchanges and mutual fund houses, to spend a portion of their profits on initiatives such as financial literacy programmes.