“We in South Asia do believe that India does have wherewithal and resolve to step to the plate and ensure that it achieves its economic goals, because if India rises we are confident the entire region will rise with India,” Pakistan High Commissioner Abdul Basit said here at an Assocham (Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India) meeting.
He said it was important to create a level playing field within the eight-member South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc) and stressed that economic development should not get subdued in political noise.
“This is especially true in the context of our region, where politics often drums economics... In my view, these two constitute the warp and woof of modern economic diplomacy,” he added.
He stressed in the coming months, Saarc will achieve all its targets. He emphasised all these in the context of the next Saarc Summit to be held in Islamabad.
“We are looking forward to work together to lift our people from the morass of poverty, illiteracy and disease because these are common challenges and common objectives. So, we are looking forward to work hand in hand with other Saarc member countries to achieve our shared objectives,” he added.